Cosmetic Dentistry

At Dental Excellence in Florida, our expert team can dramatically improve the appearance of your smile. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry, will work with you to help you decide on the right treatment approach, and can perform anything from a simple whitening procedure to a full smile makeover. Schedule online or give us a call today!

Teeth Whitening

We offer professional-grade teeth whitening overseen by our skilled dentists. Unlike over-the-counter whitening kits, our approach is both more effective and does not risk damaging your teeth. Our results are typically impressive — we can often eliminate yellowing and quickly make your teeth several shades lighter.


Veneers are a technique that allows us to completely reshape your smile. Made from thin strips of shiny white porcelain, veneers fit over the front of your existing teeth, giving them an attractive new appearance and covering over any flaws. With veneers, you can choose exactly how you want your teeth to look, including the size and color. The results will typically last for a decade or more, and can give you a stand-out “Hollywood smile.”

Composite Fillings

When you need a filling, we use a material called dental composite. Safe, non-toxic, and mercury-free, dental composite is the same color as your natural teeth, so it blends right in. You won’t have to worry about compromising your appearance when you get a cavity taken care of.

You’re Our Partner, Not Just Our Patient

We want you to feel like a partner, not just a patient. Our expert dentists will make sure that you feel heard and listened to throughout your treatment process, understand all of your treatment options, and get the care that you want. Ready to get started? Book an appointment or consultation online or give us a call today!

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